

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

New Release!

                                             Published July 3rd 2012

           "She was mine. I owned her soul…until Death stole her heart."

LEIF is a novella from the Existence series. It is glimpses into Leif's point-of-view during both Existence and Predestined. Also, each digital copy of LEIF has a free download for Dank Walker (AKA 
Death) newest song - Closer.
I am so excited!
 I always liked Leif. Sure, he is messed up but I don't think he's E-V-I-L. 
It would be great to read what's really going on in his head.
                What do you think?  
Check out my review of Existence Here
                   Buy on Amazon


  1. Ooooh I haven't read this series, but that blurb really makes me want to right now!

  2. Haven't read this, sounds good. How are you liking Bloodlines?

    1. I am liking it so far, it's just that Rose was a better MC than Sydney.

  3. This sounds like a good book! I would love to see what is going on in his head also... I love it when the guy everyone though was so bad turns out to be... well not so bad lol! Thanks for stopping by Bengal Reads and following! I am now following back via GFC :D Have a wonderful day!

    Kayla @ Bengal Reads


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