

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Review: Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend + Giveaway! (North America only)

Author: Louise Rozett
Rose Zarelli has big plans for sophomore year—everything is going to be different. This year, she’s going to be the talented singer with the killer voice, the fabulous girl with the fashionista best friend, the brainiac who refuses to let Jamie Forta jerk her around...

...but if she’s not careful, she’s also going to be the sister who misses the signals, the daughter who can only think about her own pain, the “good girl” who finds herself in mid-scandal again (because no good deed goes unpunished) and possibly worst of all...the almost-girlfriend.

When all else fails, stop looking for love and go find yourself.

It's weird. I'm disappointed when I look in the mirror but it's not because I don't like what I see. I mean, I don't, but that's not what bugs me. What bugs me is that what I see in the mirror doesn't match what I see in my head. In my head, I'm prettier than I am in real life, so when I look in the mirror and see what I see, I feel let down. And also a little crazy.

Rose isn't crazy about how she looks. She made the website for her father but it turns out that her mother doesn't approve of it and wants her to shut it down, her brother who was supposed to be there for her, is in college doing drugs. What about her friends? Holly has transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly over the summer and Tracy has started a fashion blog which has become popular overnight. But Rose is still the same. Still trying to find her place. And, Jamie you ask, well he like always, is mysterious and closed off. One moment he is telling her to stay away and the next he is kissing her. So yeah, there's that. 

As you see, Rose is knee-deep into problems. I was scared for her, I was angry at people for  being too hard on her. I just wanted to protect her. She is still grieving over her dad's death, over all the changes that happened in her life. All of it can make anyone go crazy.

Rose is not a perfect character, she has flaws, sometimes you will hate her because she tends to say the wrong things and is still dealing with her anger issues. She is also awkward and then there is High School drama. How thankful am I to be done with that? But the thing about Rose is, that she is self aware.

'"His life sucks right now," Jamie says."Yeah, well, so does mine," I answer."No shit," Jamie says, making it completely clear that he doesn't understand my lack of compassion.I don't either, to be honest.

She tries to be a better person and that's not always easy. The right thing is not always that obvious. It can sometimes lead you into a bigger mess. She doesn't like interfering in other people's life but she ends up getting tangled in their problems and that's because she has a good heart and wants to help.

Sometimes people help each other, and get messed up in each other's business; sometimes we stay out of it and let people find the way themselves. It's always right to offer help, but not all help is right.

Everybody around Rose is going through something, they are all fighting their own problems and nobody is really the bad guy. It's just the situation which sucks. I was on Rose's side all along but I could understand everyone else's perspective too. 

I think the author has done a great job with the book. It's better than the first one. It's more emotional and there is more depth to the characters. I hated Regina in the first book but in this one all I saw her vulnerable side and it makes sense why she is the way she is.

The romance, it's really sweet but with Jamie comes a lot of uncertainty because you just don't know what's going in that boy's mind. He is great. He cares about people, is loyal and has his heart in the right place but he needs to not be so confusing. It's great that he helps others out but if he loves Rose, he needs to show it.

In the end, it was Rose's journey to find herself and accept who she is. I'm so happy and feel like a proud parent, you know, when she finally realizes that if Jamie isn't going to give  her a chance, it's his loss. 

Wonderful book and I definitely recommend the series. 

MiraInk was kind enough to sponsor this giveaway. You can choose between Confession of an angry girl or Confessions of an almost girlfriend. It's North-America only. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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