

Friday, 10 August 2012

Feature and Follow #7

Gain new followers and make new friends with the Book Blogger Feature & Follow! If this is your first time here, welcome! You are about to make some new friends and gain new followers -- but you have to know -- the point of this hop is to follow other bloggers also. I follow you, you follow me.

What sets this Hop apart from others, is the Feature. Each week they will showcase a Featured Blogger, from all different genres and areas. Just remember it is required, if you participate, to follow the Features and you must follow the hosts (Parajunkee & Alison Can Read) as a courtesy.
                         Featured BlogThe Bookshelf Review

Q: What would you do over if you were to start your blog again from scratch?
A: I don't know if I would have done anything differently. I am not saying that I did everything right but I just started my blog 3 months back. I think it will take me some time to really understand where I went wrong. :P
When I started I knew nothing about html and  designing. I knew nothing about anything but I learned something everyday and I hope to keep on learning!

If you're a new follower, let me know so I could return the favor!


  1. I learn something new about html and design every day's kind of addictive though and now I try not to tweak the blog so often! :-)
    New follower on GFC
    Katja @ YA's the Word

  2. I wish I knew how to make my link work in the comments. I still need to learn that! Also, I nominated you for the Versatile Blog Award! Check out the details at my post.

  3. I know, HTML is so difficult to pick up!

    This is my first FF and here is the link:


  4. New follower!
    That's the best attitude to have :)

  5. Hi! Your answer was great!(: I'm a new blogger! Mind checking out my blog?(: And maybe possibly follow?(x

    New follower!

  6. Welcome to the wild world of book blogging :) It's so much fun and totally worth it!
    As for me, I think I'd probably learn a bit more about blogger and HTML coding before starting. Love blogging but the actual blogging part wasn't easy to learn!

    Have a lovely week :)
    The Brunette Librarian's FF & a special giveaway :)

  7. I'm constantly learning too. Great blog :)

    New follower.
    My #FF

  8. Hey..! I am a new blogger..!
    Following you and the others now..!
    You can follow me on:

    My blog is just 4 days old yet..!! :D

  9. I’m glad I dropped by from Feature & Follow. .
    My Blog


Thank you so much for stopping by. I love your comments and read each one of them. They really make my day. :D
I will always return the favor on your blog.

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