I have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award. Thank you so much, sitting with a book, Reading Kelly, Anything in Fantasy. These guys are awesome, check out their blog.
The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have 200 followers or less.
The word Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
Here's the rules:
2) Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you tagged
3) Choose 11 people and link them in your post
4)Tell them you've tagged them
5) Remember, no tag backs
My 11 Random Facts:
1) I am scared of lizards.
2) I can live on chocolates.
3) I can't swim.
4) I love reading quotes.
5) I talk fast when I'm nervous.
6) I can't sleep if the with lights are on.
7) I love rainy season.
8) I hate to share my food.
9) I love One Direction and Taylor Swift.
10) I prefer tea over coffee.
11) I love baking.
11 Questions From Sitting With A Book
1) What is your favorite odd animal? (Not something like a cat or dog)
I think Panda bears are adorable. But they are not odd.
2) What is the best book you've read so far this year?
Easy by Tammara Webber
Yes, I have a dog, a Labrador. It's name is Alex.
I like listening to music, I paint and I love to bake.
I would go to Paris.
Hermione Granger. I just love her. She is brave, smart and a great friend.
9) Do you prefer using a pen or pencil?
Monopoly, UNO
People I'm Tagging:
1) 17
2) Crystal Reads
3) A writer's Rest Stop
4) Bookish Times
5) 365 Books A Year
6) Concise book reviews by Michelle
7) Bound 2 Astound
8) Dolce Pazzia
9) Avid reader constant writer
10) Auggie Talk
11) Bex 'N' Books
1) 17
2) Crystal Reads
3) A writer's Rest Stop
4) Bookish Times
5) 365 Books A Year
6) Concise book reviews by Michelle
7) Bound 2 Astound
8) Dolce Pazzia
9) Avid reader constant writer
10) Auggie Talk
11) Bex 'N' Books
If you have already done one of these or don't want to participate, you don't have to. :)
But here are my questions for those of you I did tag:
- What is the quote that you live by?
- What is your biggest fear?
- What is your favorite TV show?
- Who is your greatest inspiration?
- If you could have any super power, which one would you want?
- If you could have any celebrity as a best friend, who would it be?
- Cats or dogs?
- Roses or Lilies?
- What genre of books do you prefer?
- If you were lost in a desert, which book would you like to take with you?
- Purple or Pink?
I've already been awarded twice, haha... But I'd love to add your 11 questions! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for tagging me!
I also tagged you for the Liebster Award. I didn't realized you had already been tagged (sorry). If you'd like to check out the post or answer the questions you can click HERE
ReplyDeleteHey Atmika :)
ReplyDeleteHaha. Congratulations! You just won another Liebster Blog Award!
I have just tagged you for the Liebster Blog award.
Check out my blog for my information: http://anythinginfantasy.blogspot.com
Have Fun!